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Healthy Foods You Have Never Heard Of


Healthy eating is essential for a healthy body. Many people think that because they are not overweight, they do not need to worry about their diet. They believe that all foods are created equal, and all calories are the same. This could not be further from the truth! However, some healthy foods are just uncommon, so most people do not even think to eat them. This article will take a look at a list of healthy foods you’ve probably never heard of!


The first fruit on this list is the pomelo. This fruit is larger than an average grapefruit, but it tastes similar to one! Pomelos are easier for your body to digest because their thick skin acts as a natural serviette. Some people even use them to make marmalade or juice. The reason pomelos are so healthy is because they are high in Vitamin C. Along with this, the fruit is an antioxidant, so it reduces inflammation of your cells, which can help you fight off cancer!


Oca, also known as bitter yam or New Zealand yam, is a starchy vegetable. This root vegetable is very versatile, so that you can eat it in many ways! People often compare the taste to that of potatoes or tomatoes. Oca includes lots of vitamin C and folate (the natural form of folic acid). Along with this, the veggie is high in calcium and potassium, which are both excellent for your bones and will help you lower blood pressure.

White Sapote

The next food on this list is white sapote. This fruit has a sweet and citrusy taste because it combines the flavors of pineapple and citrus fruits! White sapotes are high in Vitamin C, A, and E. They also contain protein, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and phosphorus! White sapote also has powerful antioxidant properties. White sapotes are not very popular, so finding them could be difficult for people looking to try out this food. 

Purple Mangosteen

Purple mangosteen comes from South East Asian countries like Indonesia and Malaysia! The fruit has a very distinct taste because it tastes like citrus fruits but with a hint of pineapple thrown in. One of the most important things about this food is that it contains antioxidants, which can help slow down the aging process. It also includes fiber and Vitamin C. It is good for your digestive system because it increases bowel movements, which can help get rid of any toxins in your body! The purple mangosteen also includes tryptophan, which improves your mood and makes you feel happier!

Monk Fruit

Monk fruit, also known as Luo Han Guo, has been used in many ancient Chinese teas. This plant is a relative of the cucumber and watermelon! The fruit contains antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties. It helps your cells fight off free radicals, so it reduces oxidative stress. The fruit also includes lots of vitamin B6, which can help relieve stress while improving mental clarity. This fruit has become more popular recently because it is a natural sweetener.

Ugli Fruit

The ugli fruit is a green grapefruit hybrid. Some people refer to it as an ugly fruit, but that’s just because of its greenish-yellow peel. The taste is like a grapefruit but with less tartness and more sweetness! Ugli fruit has lots of Vitamin C and is loaded with fiber, making it good for your digestive system. Along with this, the fruit helps prevent cancer cells from dividing because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Ugli fruit comes from Jamaica, so finding this fruit might be difficult for people who want to try out this food.

Moringa Oliefera

This plant has many names; it’s also called the drumstick bush or the horseradish tree because of its horseradish-like smell when the leaves are crushed. This tree is very versatile because you can eat its leaves or drink it as tea, depending on what you’re looking for! Moringa is loaded with Vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce swelling and will help with heartburn and bloating. It also contains protein, calcium, potassium, vitamin K, and antioxidants. It’s also rich in iron which is good for your blood health.

Kiwano Melon

This fruit looks pretty weird but tastes like a combination of honeydew, cucumber, and cantaloupe! This fruit is nicknamed the ‘Horned Melon’ because of its spikes on the outside! The fruit has lots of antioxidants that can help reduce cancer risk. The fruit also includes omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve your heart health by lowering blood pressure levels.


This vegetable looks like a brown turnip but tastes like a juicy pear! Jicama is rich in Vitamin C and fiber! It also has lots of antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress. You can eat this with some guacamole to get a dose of monosaturated fats, which help reduce bad cholesterols in the body. The jicama can be eaten raw or cooked with other foods such as rice dishes and more.


These foods are uncommon compared to the usual foods that people eat. If you can get your hands on them, you should try out all of these healthy foods because they’ll make you feel good! They have tons of nutrients and vitamins that will keep your body healthy for life. Although they may be tougher to find, you can try looking up healthy foods online to see if they’re available near you!