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8 Low-Calorie Snacks That Are Filling

If you’re looking for nourishing and filling low-calorie snacks that won’t pile on the pounds, you’ve come to the right place. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be a chore; there are many delicious and healthy snack options – it just takes creativity! This article will provide insight into some of the best low-calorie snacks for those trying to stick with healthier food habits without compromising taste. Get ready for a mouthwatering journey through what can become your new go-to snacks!

Opting For Low-Calorie Snacks

Eating healthy snacks between meals is a great way to keep your energy levels up throughout the day and provide your body with the nutrition it needs. Low-calorie snacks that are healthy and contain essential minerals, vitamins, and proteins are much better for you both in the short and long term. However, many people opt for high-calorie snacks – such as crisps or chocolate – because they don’t realize the consequences these can have.

Furthermore, choosing smaller portions of low-calorie snacks will satisfy your cravings without overloading your body with extra calories that could lead to weight gain or other health problems. Opting for a healthy snack will provide the nourishment necessary for optimum performance and satisfy you until mealtime.

Low-Calorie Snacks That Are Filling

Hummus And Veggies


Looking for a snack to fill you up and keep you energized without packing on the calories? Letting you get all the protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber you need to stay fueled without adding extra calories is a win-win situation. Hummus with veggies makes a wonderfully nutritious and satisfying snack. Hummus can come in various flavors, allowing you to explore and find your favorite.

Also, adding colorful vegetables like carrots or cucumbers can make it even more thrilling while providing more nutrients! And don’t forget to give yourself an extra crunch by packing some whole-grain crackers to dip into that tasty hummus heaven!

Apple Slices And Peanut Butter


Apple slices and peanut butter offer an ideal sweet and salty combination, abundant beneficial nutrients, and low-calorie content. This snack can quell cravings while promoting weight loss, containing only around 200 calories per serving. The protein in the peanut butter works to keep you fuller for longer, while the apples are full of fiber, helping to regulate your digestive system.

Not only do these snacks taste great together, but they are full of essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C from the apples and healthy fats from the peanut butter, to help keep you happy and energized until your next meal.

Hard-Boiled Eggs


Hard-boiled eggs are often overlooked in low-calorie snacks that can provide lasting satiation. An average large egg contains only 78 calories and provides 6 grams of high-quality protein, which is just one of the many macronutrients that can help make a snack more filling. Eggs also contain important vitamins and minerals, such as iron and vitamin B12, that boost the nutritional profile of this humble snack.

Egg yolks are also an excellent source of choline, an essential nutrient that helps keep you feeling fuller for longer by supporting healthy cell structure in the brain and other vital organs. So if you’re looking for a tasty yet guilt-free snack, reach for a hard-boiled egg – satisfaction is guaranteed!

Chia Pudding


Chia pudding is a great snack choice if you’re looking for a low-calorie option that will fill you up. Not only is it delicious, but it’s also surprisingly nutritious. A single serving of chia pudding boasts plenty of protein, healthy fats, and dietary fiber, making it an ideal snack to enjoy between meals or on the go.

Plus, chia seeds are easy to find in your local grocery store—better yet, you can make your own chia pudding at home and customize it with some of your favorite ingredients. The possibilities with chia pudding are endless!

Coconut Chips


Coconut chips provide a healthy and delicious snack when you’re tempted to reach for something high in calories. Not only are these chips low in fat, but with their sweetness and crunch, it’s no wonder they are an increasingly popular snack.

Furthermore, coconut chips can help contribute to a more balanced diet that’s still filling because of their high dietary fiber and mineral content. What better way to ensure you feel good about what you’re eating than finding a tasty and healthy alternative like coconut chips?

Figs Stuffed With Goat Cheese


Figs stuffed with goat cheese make a great low-calorie snack that will not only satiate hunger but also provide an array of unique health benefits. Not only are figs low in calories, but they are also full of antioxidants, potassium, and dietary fiber. Similarly, goat cheese is an excellent source of healthy fat and protein.

Combining these two ingredients makes for an incredibly filling snack that can be enjoyed guilt-free. Their sweet yet tangy flavor complements each other superbly and, when combined, creates an irresistible treat you will look forward to with each snack break.

Plantain Chips With Guacamole

Plantain chips with guacamole make for a surprisingly filling and tasty low-calorie snack. Plantain chips are made by slicing unripened green plantains into thin rounds, frying them in oil, and then sprinkling on salt or other seasonings. The result is a crunchy chip that packs plenty of flavor without adding too many extra calories. Meanwhile, one serving of guacamole has just ten calories but still contains healthy fats and beneficial plant compounds.

The combination of plantain chips and guacamole also provides some carbohydrates for energy to fuel your day-to-day activities. All in all, it’s easy to enjoy a snack like this regularly without feeling guilty about the extra calories – making it a perfect choice if you’re looking for a satisfying snack that won’t sabotage your diet goals.


Jerky is an excellent low-calorie snack that will leave you surprisingly full. Jerky is beef or another type of meat cut and seasoned before being dried. The drying process removes the meat’s moisture, enhancing the flavor and increasing its shelf life.

To ensure you’re not blowing your daily caloric budget, it’s always best to stick with small portions of jerky as part of a larger healthy diet plan. Furthermore, because much of this natural moisture has been removed, a small portion goes a relatively long way in terms of providing that feeling of satiety, making jerky an especially smart choice for calorie-conscious snackers who don’t want to feel starved between meals. Better yet, jerky also offers a good source of protein without adding too many carbs.

These Low-Calorie Snacks Will Surely Fill You Up!

In conclusion, snacking doesn’t have to mean consuming excess calories. The right snacks make it possible to feel satisfied and energized without overindulging in unhealthy junk food. Whether you prefer savory or sweet, an array of delicious low-calorie snacks can help keep you on track with your diet goals. So, the next time you need a snack, consider reaching for one of these healthier alternatives. They will surely fill you up and provide an array of essential vitamins and minerals to keep your body running optimally!